Backpack + pencil case kit = -30% (compared to the price of a backpack and kit purchased separately).


Tips for a well organized school bag

The school bag is the indispensable accessory for every student. Poorly organized or too heavy, it can quickly become the source of back pain for your child. To avoid this, here are some tips to properly organize the school bag and ensure a pain-free school year!

How to Optimize Your Child's School Bag for Comfort and Back Health?

1. Choose the Right School Bag

Before even thinking about organization, it is essential to choose the right school bag. Opt for a model that fits your child's size, with wide and padded shoulder straps.

2. Limit the Weight

A school bag should not weigh more than 10% of the child's weight. Regularly go through its contents. Your child should only carry the essentials. If your child has many books, consider using digital versions or photocopying the essential pages.

3. Adjust the Straps

The shoulder straps should be properly adjusted so that the school bag fits snugly against your child's back. They should not be too loose or too tight. The bottom of the bag should not fall below the hips.

4. Organize the Inside

Place the heaviest items (like books and notebooks) closest to the back. Smaller items, like a pencil case or snacks, can be placed in the outer pockets. This helps distribute the weight better and avoids unnecessary pressure on the back.

5. Use All Compartments

Most modern school bags have several pockets and compartments. Use them wisely to distribute the weight evenly and keep items from moving around inside.

6. Check Regularly

Take time each week to check the contents of the school bag with your child. This will help remove unnecessary items and ensure the weight remains within recommended limits. It can also be a special moment to discuss your child's week, classes, and school needs.

7. Educate Your Child

Teach your child to carry their school bag correctly. Both shoulder straps should always be on the shoulders, and the bag should not hang too low on the back. Explain to your child the importance of organizing the bag well. Each day, they should only carry what is necessary according to their schedule.

How to Teach Your Child to Prepare Their School Bag?

Preparing a school bag is a daily ritual for every student. Here are some key steps to help your child prepare their bag efficiently:

1. Create a Dedicated Zone

From the beginning of the school year, set up a dedicated space at home for the school bag and school supplies. This can help your child keep things organized.

2. Prepare the Bag the Night Before

To avoid forgetfulness and morning stress, teach your child to prepare their school bag the night before. This will allow your child to leave for school calmly in the morning.

3. Plan According to the Schedule

Before starting, they should check their schedule for the next day. This gives a clear idea of the subjects and necessary supplies. Make sure they don’t forget homework or projects that are due.

4. Lighten the Bag

Once everything is gathered, check with them if some items can be left at home or at school. For example, if your child has two notebooks for a subject, can one be left at school?

5. Check Personal Supplies

Remind them to add their daily supplies, such as their pencil case or planner. If your child has specific needs, like glasses, make sure they are also in the bag.